4 Benefits of Concrete Flooring in Your Home

When it comes to choosing flooring materials for your home, there are many different options to choose from. You can use carpet, hardwood, or vinyl floors. However, lately more and more people are choosing concrete flooring as the perfect option for their home. While concrete may not seem like an especially warm material, with the right commercial concrete coatings, concrete floors provide an extremely modern aesthetic with extremely low maintenance needs.

There are just some of the benefits of concrete floors. Let’s see what those benefits are and find out if concrete flooring is perfect for your home or loft.

Easy to Take Care of
It may be surprising, but taking care of concrete flooring is actually super easy. The only care that concrete floors require is the weekly soap and water mopping. Other than that, there’s nothing else you need to do. It is a good idea, however, to have a wooden baseboard installed next to the concrete as well so the soapy, dirty water doesn’t get stuck in the crevices between the floor and the wall.

Many flooring options are super expensive, but you can easily install a slab of concrete flooring for a very inexpensive price. You can usually stay under the double digits per square foot, and since the flooring doesn’t require a lot of frills or upkeep, you don’t have to worry about extra, hidden costs. The cracks, lines, and imperfections of the floor give it a natural look, so don’t even think about spending the money to cover it up.

It’ll Last a Long Time
If you take care of the floor, it’ll easily last for hundreds of years to come. Since the cracks and flaws are natural in the stone, you won’t have to worry about replacing it like you would with hardwood or other materials. The look of the concrete is so classic that it’ll never actually go out of style.

It’s So Versatile
Since it is such a simple material, it can literally go with anything. It’ll look good with any wall that you decide to pair it with and it can easily be used to transition from inside to outside. You can give the space a more modern look, or choose to keep it simple and classic with a well placed antique rug. Anything is possible with concrete.

While concrete is good on its own, just make sure you’re taking the steps to properly coat it. The coating is only as good as its adhesion to concrete (measured by PSI). The PSI measure at which concrete fractures is 400. Coatings at or above 400 are considered to have optimal substrate adhesion. As long as you take the right steps toward taking care of your flooring, it’ll be a good choice and last you for many years to come.

Originally seen at https://collinsconcretecoatings.com/4-benefits-concrete-flooring-home/

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